Not everything always goes according to plan. There are critical situations that are so challenging, so space-consuming, that support in the form of coaching can contribute decisively to the solution.
Extraordinary professional stresses (e.g. conflicts with superiors, employees and colleagues that seem insurmountable, bullying, company crises) or personal concerns (e.g. separation, illness, death of a relative) often lead to crises that are difficult to overcome alone.
As a neutral listener, I give you the space to talk about what is bothering you. Through attentive questioning I enable you to change your perspective. You will recognise possible courses of action through my broad experience and counselling background.
Focus areas:
- Dealing with perceived defeats
- Intervening with crises
- Dissolving attack-defence cycles
- Uncovering projections/transferences
- Changing perspective
- Developing solution strategies and options for action